Business Mentoring

Painted Lemur Studios is made up of employees who have experience in all the phases of a business, from startup to world-wide organization, so we've got the experience to mentor your busines in your sales and marketing efforts (and beyond)!

Align your sales, marketing, and business plans for growth!

A lot of startups and small organizations are founded on a great product or service idea, but the organizational growth tends to be organic and disjointed, rather than planned and cohesive. 

What is needed is someone with the experience to help you plan and execute your sales, marketing, and business operations to run smoothly together. The Painted Lemur Studios Executive Advisor is a seasoned professional with extensive experience in starting and growing an organization from the ground up, including operations, attracting investment, sales, marketing, and growth all of the way through to a successful exit (if that's your end goal). 

The Executive Advisor is an invaluable resource for all aspects of your organization. Think of an Executive Advisor as a shadow CxO, someone who can assist you in overall management, finance, marketing, information management, and other aspects of your organization. 

Get Started Now!